Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Might be a little odd, but........

You know,  I have often been accused of going against the grain. 

Well, this is gonna be no exception.  

I know that I said I was gonna do a give away for my 100th post, BUT.........

I haven't blogged in so long that I just felt that I needed to make  sure I had any followers still!  

I need to know, are there any of you still left?  I don't blame you if you are long gone, I mean, it seemed as though I had fallen off the face of the earth!  lol!

So, I will be doing my give away in a few weeks, after I see if I have anyone left reading!  I already have a gift in mind that I am sure will please!  

My promise to you is that I am back.  I will not be on a blog hiatus for this long again.  I sure miss you when I am away!  
