You know the times when you feel like you are flailing about? When you feel as though your whole world is crashing around light speed-and you can't do anything about it? The times when you need to have your cup filled?
It is during these times that I seek God's face the most. It is during those times that God reveals Himself to me more and more. I long to have those intimate moments with my Lord more than ever during those difficult times. I know that it is cliche'd but I sometimes lean on Him so hard in the valleys, but forget to praise him when I am on the mountain top. I never want to forget that the same God that got me through the hard times is the God that sustains me in the good times. I should offer praises up to him for EVERYTHING that He does!
I want to be the kind of woman that is so sold out for God that my cup continually runneth over. Don't get me wrong, I am convinced that God has already given me way too much for my own good. I am blessed with a wonderful husband, beautiful, healthy children and amazing friends. I have been given many opportunities that I just don't deserve.
But in this place, I am longing for a fresh refill. Longing for Him to fill my cup.
I am in the process of seeking some real changes in my life. I am seeking God's face in many decisions that need to be made.
I would love to share some of those decisions with you, but now is not the right time. I have always said that this would be an outlet that no matter what I may look like, I would give an honest glimpse into my life. I just don't feel the liberty to share at this moment. I am sure that I will soon!
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