It seems that blogging has been fewer and farther between. It is not my intentions to leave anyone hanging, it has just been an interesting few months! Please stick with me!
So many life changes in such a short time, I hardly know where to begin.
I would have to say that the girls are doing well in school. They both got their interims and made all A's and one B!! I am a proud Momma!
We are trying to get settled in with our new schedule. With me going to school two days a week, I have to make some adjustments to our normal activities. It has been a struggle at times, but I think that it will work...eventually!
My Uncle has had some health issues that we have been dealing with. If you think of it, add him to your prayer list. His name is Allen. We appreciate all the prayers that we can get!
I have applied to the nursing program. The application period is from September 1-30, so I will hopefully know something the second week of October. I truly have a peace about whatever may happen. I know that everything happens in God's perfect timing!
Kevin has also started school! I am so proud of him! He wanted to go for a while, but I think that fear held him back. How many times have I allowed the enemy to lie to me? Too many to name! But what is important is that he is going now! I know that he will be great at his new profession!
I tried to give you tidbits of what's what....I will post more later!
I hope that today found you in the House of the Lord!
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